PN 44: From Indiana Jones to Guatemala’s Civil War - Frank Marshall & Ryan Suffern


"Raiders of the Lost Ark," "Jurassic World" and “Sully” are among Frank Marshall’s stellar producing credits. Now his company Kennedy/Marshall has a documentary division. Their latest film is “Finding Oscar” about the search for a boy who survived an infamous 1982 massacre in Guatemala’s civil war in the jungle hamlet of Dos Erres. The film’s director Ryan Suffern started his career as Steven Spielberg’s assistant and rose up to run the documentary division at Kennedy/Marshall.

On this episode, Pure Nonfiction host Thom Powers interviews Marshall and Suffern about the making of “Finding Oscar” (opening in theaters on April 14). The film played last fall at the Telluride and DOC NYC festivals.

On Twitter: @LeDoctor @suckatash23 @FindingOscarDoc @thompowers @PureNonfiction

This interview was recorded at SVA’s MFA Social Documentary program. Pure Nonfiction is distributed by the TIFF Podcast Network.


PN 45: Matt Tyrnauer on "Citizen Jane"


PN 43: Laurent Bouzereau & Mark Harris on “Five Came Back"